
Hello! These are my current commission prices:

Before you request a commission,
please read the following:
Mofu would love to take overseas commissions but unfortunately doesn't speak English, so her fox friend Korius here will act as
an intermediary to facilitate the process.

This way, Mofu can focus on doing what they love best: drawing!

It might sound a little weird or convoluted, so Mofu has illustrated each step of the process to help you know exactly what to expect!

1) Start by filling out this GOOGLE FORM
to request a commission from Mofu!

2) Korius will explain to Mofu what exactly
you're looking to get a commission of.

3) If Mofu accepts the request or would like some more details, Korius will get in touch with you via your preferred contact method.

4) Korius will help Mofu ensure that
the sketch matches what you're looking for.

5) Korius will present you with the finished sketch.
This is your opportunity to request major edits!
Once the coloring stage has begun, Mofu will only be able to make minor adjustments that don't require considerable redrawing.
Please note that sketch-only commissions
are eligible only for minor adjustments.

6) Once you approve the sketch and are ready to proceed,
Korius will send you a Paypal invoice.

7) When payment is received, Mofu will resume working on
your commission, and Korius will keep in touch
with you regarding any notices or updates.

8) Korius will present you with the finished illustration.
This is your opportunity to request minor adjustments!
When you're satisfied with the final product,
feel free to leave some comments for Mofu.

9) Korius will relay your feedback to Mofu!